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Expert Services

Future-proof your supply chain

Navigate the complexities of contractor compliance and reduce business risk with supply chain audit, verification, and consulting services.

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Two workers at a construction site looking at an iPad
A man and a woman looking at a computer smiling

Unparalleled expertise to help evolve and mature your program.

Veriforce goes beyond supply chain risk management software with decades of real-world experience and deep subject matter expertise. Our Expert Service team will help you optimize your supply chain processes, mature critical safety programs, and ensure regulatory compliance at every stage of the supplier engagement lifecycle.

Let us do the heavy lifting

Take advantage of our wide range of professional services to better manage your third-party workforce.

Magnifying glass with checkmark icon

Audits & Assessments

Ensure your workforce is completely covered. We provide professional assessment and audit services for OQ or Health & Safety programs, psychological safety, or even specified contractors.

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Strengthen your programs and processes with expert consulting for your OQ program, insurance, or incident and accident investigations.

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System Integrations

Optimize your existing workflows. We build custom integrations so that Veriforce can be seamlessly integrated with existing software.

Instructor with collared shirt icon

Custom Training & Orientations

Fill gaps in your training with custom content created by industry experts. Share your requirements and we’ll take care of the rest.

A man wearing a helmet smiling at the camera

Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) Services

Our HSE experts are committed to promoting health and safety across your supply chain networks. With our verification, auditing, and consulting services, you can uncover hidden risks and opportunities to improve safety and compliance. By consolidating software and processes into one platform, you can focus on high-priority tasks and discover new resource efficiencies and cost savings.

Commonly used HSE Services:

  • Contractor Management Plan Analysis
  • Psychological Safety & Organizational Culture Assessments
  • Serious Injury and Fatality Investigations
  • Field Audits
  • Contractor Safety Management System (SMS) Plan Analysis
Male and female looking at a laptop in conversation

Supply Chain and Procurement Services

The Veriforce Supply Chain and Procurement Expert Services team is committed to evaluating your organization’s supply chain and procurement strategy, processes, systems, and tools using relevant frameworks and standards, ensuring supplier assessments comply with regulations, and identifying risks in supplier and contractor pools. With our unparalleled industry expertise, we help you streamline your supplier evaluation and management processes, reduce risk, and improve supply chain visibility.

Commonly used Supply Chain and Procurement Services:

  • Supply Chain Risk Assessment
  • Supply Chain Maturity Assessment
  • Strategic Sourcing Assessment
  • Supply Chain Systems and Tools Assessment
  • Supply Chain Contract Life Cycle Assessment
An image of two men with safety hats

Operator Qualifications and Regulatory Compliance

Our OQ experts are committed to partnering with you to improve and sustain the integrity of your OQ program. Our services address the current challenges of training and maintaining a qualified workforce and support the long-term goal of reducing risk with a proven compliance solution. With our unparalleled industry expertise, your organization can confidently verify an individual has the prerequisite company and worker-level requirements to perform work on your regulated pipeline facilities.

Commonly used OQ and Regulatory Services:

  • OQ Onboarding Training for New Clients
  • DAMIS Reporting
  • Training Management
  • OQ Plan Development and Maintenance
  • OQ 101 Class
Industrial worker in front of a building on an iPad

System Implementation and Integrations

Lean on our Implementation and Integration experts to help with creating a blueprint for success by collecting and verifying all pertinent information and supplementing anything you need for compliance. Managing contractor data across multiple departmental systems can be tricky. Our implementation and integration experts can help develop and implement a blueprint to manage the push/pull of contractor data to your internal system of record. We offer a wide range of integrations and reporting to ensure pertinent contractor data is being utilized in the right places at your company.

Commonly used System/Account Implementation Services:

  • Data Feed/Integrations
  • Implementation – Data Augmentation
  • Sisense Dashboard Build (ComplyWorks Platform)
  • Process Management (ComplyWorks Platform)
Graphic with image of an industrial worker onsite and an image of a construction site in an arrow shape

Unparalleled expertise to help evolve and mature your program.

Talk to an Expert