Build your business in the Veriforce Network to boost revenue. Or, bring training and evaluation in-house to drive greater efficiency. We’ll give you the tools and support to make it happen.
Veriforce Authorized Instructors train more than 250,000 workers annually, helping reduce incident rates and get workers home safe from high-hazard jobs.
Veriforce Authorized Evaluators assess whether individuals possess the knowledge, skills, and physical capabilities required to safely execute specific covered tasks according to U.S. DOT regulations.
We have always enjoyed being part of the growing Veriforce family and providing these very well-designed courses to our clients across the globe to help bring their workers home safely. Over the past 15 years, Omega Safety Training instructors have successfully taught over 2500 Veriforce courses. Thanks to the Veriforce team for developing such a great orientation for our industry workers. It really makes a difference!
Chad Keller
Omega Safety Training, Inc.
New clients required Safeland. I was able to become an instructor and bring training in-house, which allowed our operations team flexibility when scheduling employees for training. Also, we saved $120 per employee by moving training internally.
Travis Gentz
Corporate HSE Manager
Dalbo Holdings Inc
Veriforce is home to one of the most widely adopted libraries of instructor-led courses, all delivered by a world-class network of instructors. And you could be one of them.
Quickly and easily become authorized to teach topics like SafeLand, H2S, Confined Spaces, Respiratory Protection, and more.
Find dates and details for upcoming webinars, Evaluator Authorization Training, and Train-the-Trainer classes required to teach Veriforce courses.