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Kings Mountain Natural Gas (KMNG) is committed to delivering safe, affordable, and reliable natural gas and complimentary services while promoting the communities they serve. They ensure good corporate citizenship through sound business practices, community involvement, stakeholder education, and pipeline safety awareness.

Maintaining regulatory compliance through a sound operator qualification (OQ) program is crucial for a natural gas company. However, their previous Operator Qualification (OQ) program was costly, inflexible, and lacked personalized training options for their technicians. This posed a challenge for KMNG to ensure their workforce was properly qualified and compliant with Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations.

The Importance of Operator Qualification

Before diving into the specific benefits KMNG experienced, it’s crucial to understand the significance of OQ in the natural gas industry. OQ programs ensure that personnel working on pipelines possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience to perform their tasks safely and effectively. This minimizes the risk of incidents and accidents that can have devastating consequences for workers, the environment, and surrounding communities.

VeriSource Delivers

Since implementing VeriSource, KMNG has experienced significant improvements in its OQ program. The user-friendly platform offers all the qualifications and training their technicians require, boosting productivity and morale within the OQ team. The exceptional customer service provided by Veriforce has instilled confidence in the technicians, encouraging them to actively utilize the system and seek assistance whenever needed.

Additionally, Veriforce’s commitment to addressing any concerns and finding solutions has simplified the program administration for KMNG’s Energy Services Director.

The onboarding process went smoothly, and the Regulatory Team was very helpful in identifying and converting our tasks, as well as reviewing our OQ manual. Our CSM helped set up and explain how to use the platform, which continues to this day. Soon, we will consider expanding our training library with the Training Management solution.

-Wayne Ledbetter, Energy Services Director, Kings Mountain Natural Gas

Measurable Benefits

KMNG’s partnership with Veriforce has resulted in a substantial cost saving of 45%. Furthermore, Veriforce’s comprehensive suite of Expert Services caters to KMNG’s specific needs, including audits and inspections, ensuring ongoing compliance. The Veriforce Regulatory Team has consistently provided valuable assistance in understanding requirements, selecting tasks, and reviewing KMNG’s OQ program. They remain available to address any additional questions or regulatory needs that mayarise throughout the year.

Discover the Benefits of Veriforce’s Operator Qualification Solution

By implementing VeriSource, Kings Mountain Natural Gas has achieved a robust and efficient OQ program that ensures operator qualification, simplifies compliance management, and empowers its workforce with the necessary knowledge and skills. Veriforce’s commitment to client satisfaction and ongoing support has made it a valuable partner in KMNG’s mission to deliver safe and reliable natural gas services.

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