Navigating the Unthinkable: Black Swan Events in Safety Management | The Risk Matrix Episode 86
THE RISK MATRIX Cutting-edge podcast on occupational safety and risk management. Hosted by industry titans: JAMES JUNKIN, MS, CSP, MSP,…
Essentially, governance sets the tone, based on risk appetite and decision making criteria, for both internal and external compliance to create, maintain, and sustain an organization.
Nearly nine out of 10 publicly-traded companies in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany have environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives in place, and other countries are following suit. Canada will start phasing in ESG mandates to its financial institutions in 2024. Most of the buzz centers around environmental and social impacts, from climate data, recycling, and pollution, to diversity, equity, inclusion metrics, and volunteer activity. But the third leg of ESG is also critically important for organizations everywhere as it underpins the achievement of the E and the S.
Governance refers to the internal rules that organizations adopt based on its risk tolerance, and impacts not only the board of directors — who sits on the board and sets the tone from the top — but more intimately and immediately on how an organization is run on a daily basis.
Essentially, governance sets the tone, based on risk appetite and decision making criteria, for both internal and external compliance to create, maintain, and sustain an organization.
External compliance includes adhering to government regulations at the local, state, and federal level, as well as vendor and customer contracts. It may also include industry body requirements. Internal compliance involves setting the requirements for more discretionary elements related to running the organization, such as dress codes, work from home, and ethical issues, amongst others.
Governance influences a company’s culture and holds business ethics to a clearly defined standard. Because governance is closely intertwined with how to actually achieve environmental and social objectives, there’s a lot at stake for ESG programs. Good governance leads to more sustainable businesses.
To achieve your overall ESG goals, take these governance factors into consideration:
Good governance doesn’t just occur. It’s the result of deliberate action. Governance practices need to reflect the societal values of organizations and their shareholders. Establish these three pillars for good governance today.
Step I: Create relevant internal policies, procedures and practices
Each organization should have policies and procedures that address topics such as data privacy, information security, sexual harassment, and many more thay may be relevant. The type of policies required will depend on a company’s size, location, and the level of industry regulation.
All businesses must as a minimum have documentation that addresses the legally required elements such as health, safety, and human resources concerns.
Create documentation that informs employees, shareholders, and outside parties of rules that govern the organization to ensure clarity. Policies and procedures should periodically be assessed to ensure they are up to date and reflect the societal and board values with due consideration of business imperatives.
Decision making practices and delegation of authority and responsibility needs to be made clear and well communicated so everyone in the organization understands how authority and control is deployed across the organizational hierarchy.
The goal is to have as few policies and procedures as possible but as many as necessary, while still meeting all the legal, risk mitigating, and competitive requirements. A company’s size, industry type, regulatory environment, and the board’s risk appetite will determine the number of policies and procedures needed.
Step II: Train your staff
Governance is only as effective as the managers and employees who are following it, which is why it’s essential you communicate your organization’s expectations surrounding governance, compliance, and decision making through training.
Some companies may create a handbook that compiles and combines policies and procedures for employees. Other organizations have many separate policies and procedures that employees need to read and acknowledge their understanding. Governance often flows from HR practices, so ensure your HR policies and procedures are robust and compliant with regulatory requirements.
Make policies and procedures easy to understand, and mandate that employees review and sign them before they can access your organization’s network, systems, and physical offices. Often it will be required that temporary and contract workers also know the content of basic policies and procedures to ensure they act in compliance with what is expected of them.
Step III: Adopt a management system to monitor all elements
There are software platforms that make governance easier. These platforms can easily curate and manage all data and tasks related to governance and offer reporting capabilities to understand the governance status of the company.
In many cases, simple risk management and document management tools are enough. But for those in complex business environments or regulated industries, a specific governance, risk and compliance (GRC) tool may be a better choice as they can help create, manage, correct, and report on broad governance elements in your organization, aimed at diverse stakeholders.
Veriforce helps organizations manage and collect ESG data from their supply chains to ensure inclusion in their ESG Programmes.
THE RISK MATRIX Cutting-edge podcast on occupational safety and risk management. Hosted by industry titans: JAMES JUNKIN, MS, CSP, MSP,…
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