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7 Reasons Why Veriforce Offers the Best Safety Solutions

Worker leveraging safety solutions to increase safety on the jobsite.

Designing the industry’s best safety solutions is challenging and demands product development and ongoing service excellence. It requires more than cookie-cutter offerings, basic integration capabilities, and customer support that all but vanishes after execution.

A minimalist approach only gets a solutions provider so far. Ultimately, they do not meet the specific needs of individual customers, create a subpar solution that meshes poorly with existing applications, and supply lackluster customer support after implementation–when customers typically need it most.

However, we understand the importance of striving for much more than a passing grade, especially when our business is the safety and well-being of people. We constantly seek ways to improve our safety solutions, and in this article, we highlight seven critical features helping us to do just that.

Veriforce Safety Solutions: 7 Features Outpacing the Competition

Nothing is more critical to ensuring supply chain and job site safety than having the right technologies and resources; this is where Veriforce excels. Our approach combines industry-leading software and services to provide an unparalleled solution for our customers.

Seven of those features that every hiring client and contractor deserves are as follows:

1. A Team of the Best Subject Matter Experts

Subject matter experts (SMEs) are authorities in disciplines that matter to customers, and their knowledge makes them the primary source for answers to sometimes complex questions. Our investment in the right team of experts helps us provide exceptional guidance to our customers throughout the engagement.

The specific advantages of a dedicated SME team include but are not limited to the following:

  • Vast industry knowledge. Our SMEs are highly knowledgeable about every industry in which our customers do business. They have the necessary skills to offer the best possible advice and direction tailored to each customer’s needs. They also understand the key differentiators in private versus publicly-owned customers and have an extensive understanding of the industry’s quick-pace Mergers & Acquisitions strategies.
  • Advanced technical expertise. Our experts are well-versed in the products’ technical aspects, meaning they can successfully debug problems and manage difficult technical questions. This advantage helps them respond quickly to customer problems, support excellent product performance, and minimize risk to all employees at the worksite.
  • Enhanced customer experiences. We take great pride in creating top-notch customer experiences, an initiative often spearheaded by SMEs. Customers feel valued and secure when they have constant access to experienced and reliable experts who can address their unique challenges.
  • Meaningful customer relationships. With excellent customer experiences come meaningful relationships. We place a high value on partnerships between our SMEs and customers because that’s how any company can promote trust, which is critical to doing better business.
  • Faster responses to market changes. Having insight into the latest industry trends and regulations is crucial for any business to ensure compliance and worker safety. Our SMEs consistently monitor the market to advise clients on how to respond to ever-changing market conditions.

Ultimately, customers need a team of SMEs because they give specialized expertise and continuous aid that help customers make better decisions and solve difficulties.

2. The Most Reliable Customer Support

Offering state-of-art products solves only half of the equation. Regardless of how advanced and user-friendly, any technology loses value without a dedicated customer support team to address product-specific questions and issues.

Moreover, that team should remain as unchanged as possible. Providing customers with consistency and personnel familiar with their operations is necessary for providing the best possible service.

Critical reasons for building dedicated support teams include the following:

  • More familiarity with the customer. Our support teams are accessible and responsive and do not change personnel. Customers appreciate this level of consistency and understanding, and they feel most comfortable working with a dedicated and consistent group that takes the time to learn everything they can about their business.
  • Efficient and effective issue resolution. We resolve issues more efficiently by ensuring personnel familiar with the customer’s environment and previous interactions remain on the support team. They have a historical context of prior incidents, solutions, and configurations, enabling them to find problems quickly, leading to faster response times.
  • Consistent communication and accountability. Our customer support strategy promotes constant communication and accountability. The customer knows who to contact for support and can expect a familiar voice on the other end of the phone. This stability minimizes miscommunication, avoids repetitive explanations of the same issue, and supplies a sense of continuity in the support process.
  • Proactive relationship management. Top-notch customer support also requires proactively managing customer relationships beyond issue resolution. Our team consistently updates customers on new features and best practices. This service allows us to provide ongoing guidance and assistance, ensuring that customers continue to derive maximum value from our solutions.
  • Minimal onboarding and training efforts. Our customers save time and effort onboarding and training new employees on our solutions. We reduce the learning curve because our personnel are familiar with the customer’s environment, providing a smoother support experience.

Hiring clients and contractors should expect nothing less from their solutions than these advantages of excellent ongoing support.

3. Unmatched Product Configurability

A “one-size-fits-all” solution is never in a customer’s best interest, and it is an ill-advised shortcut for any provider to take. As such, we’ve made the necessary investments in our products to ensure hiring clients and contractors have the flexibility to tailor solutions as they see fit.

Specific reasons why we view configurability as a “must” and not a “want” are as follows:

  • Powerful customization. Different businesses have unique requirements and workflows, and our highly configurable products allow customers to tailor solutions to align with their processes and meet those specific needs. This customization enhances user experience and ensures the product can effectively support every customer’s operation.
  • Increased scalability. Our products serve customers in several industries, from small to large enterprises. They scale and accommodate the varying needs of different user bases. By configuring the product to handle different levels of complexity, data volumes, or user roles, we can cater to a broader customer base and support its growth without compromising performance.
  • Boosted compliance. Configuration options are critical for guaranteeing our customers are compliant. Different industries have different compliance needs, and the ability to craft a solution to satisfy these criteria is vital.
  • Customer autonomy. Configuration allows customers to take control of their experience. They can customize and adjust the product to their changing needs without relying on us for every alteration or update, helping them more quickly optimize the product based on their business goals.

For the abovementioned reasons, configurability is crucial in allowing companies to tailor software to their needs and preferences. And by putting the power of customization in the hands of users, we help our customers drive efficiency and productivity.

4. Seamless Safety Solutions Integration

We understand that customers have established technologies that our solution cannot compromise. Ensuring all applications function in tandem requires a seamless, non-rigid integration process that provides the following benefits:

  • Improved data flow. Integration capabilities enable a smooth data flow between our solutions and the customer’s other systems or applications. This process ensures that information is communicated in real-time, removing the need for manual data entry or synchronization. Continuous data flow improves productivity, accuracy, and efficiency, allowing users to make informed decisions based on current information.
  • A simpler interface. Our solution cuts the need for users to move back and forth between several applications or systems, making for a better experience. They can access and use the product from a single interface. This feature boosts productivity, streamlines workflows, and decreases user frustration.
  • Expanded functionality. Integrating with other systems or applications broadens our product’s usefulness and possibilities. It enables users to capitalize on the benefits of various tools and processes by incorporating their features and data.
  • Ecosystem integration. Our products integrate into a larger ecosystem of tools, platforms, and services, allowing for smooth collaboration and data interchange among many systems, resulting in a linked and unified technology stack.
  • Maximized ROI. We also leverage customers’ existing applications to reduce disruption, eliminate duplicate data entry, and maximize our customers’ return on investment.

In the ever-evolving landscape of risk management solutions, seamless integration is critical in driving our customers’ productivity, efficiency, and overall success. With organizations relying on a multitude of interconnected software tools and systems, the ability of our product to mesh with existing infrastructure becomes paramount.

5. Advanced Predictive Analytics

A solution that helps customers keep track of worker compliance and manage safety documentation is valuable in the event of an incident. However, a solution that helps prevent those incidents from happening in the first place is indispensable.

Our customers carry out the latter by integrating our advanced predictive analytics software. They gain several decisive advantages in pursuing a safer work environment by employing our cutting-edge technology, including the following:

  • More proactive risk mitigation. Our solution finds leading incident and hazard indicators by analyzing historical data and patterns, enabling customers to address potential safety risks before they occur.
  • Enhanced safety planning and compliance. Our platform also enables customers to proactively incorporate risk mitigation measures into their safety plans, helping them follow the right regulations, avoid penalties, and show a commitment to keeping a safe work environment.
  • Improved resource allocation. Predictive analytics can also help customers distribute their resources more efficiently. By identifying high-risk areas, tasks, or projects, our solution guides customers in providing safety personnel, equipment, and training where needed, helping to reduce unnecessary costs and ensure that efforts are targeted and effective.
  • Real-time monitoring and alerts. We provide real-time tracking and attention to our customers, letting them know of potential safety issues as they arise. This feature allows our customers to respond quickly, investigate incidents, and take immediate action to prevent further escalation.

Incorporating our predictive analytics equips customers with the necessary tools to enhance safety, drive efficiency, and protect workers from harm.

6. A Larger Global Presence

We constantly seek ways to broaden our expertise in addressing diverse regulations, cultural nuances, and industry best practices worldwide. And as our global presence expands, we discover more strategies for customers seeking to elevate their safety management practices.

The advantages include the following:

  • Comprehensive worldwide compliance. With a global presence, we have expertise in addressing diverse safety regulations and compliance standards across multiple regions, ensuring our solutions meet the specific requirements of various countries. This advantage helps our customers maintain compliance with local laws and regulations, wherever they may be.
  • Advanced knowledge sharing. Our exposure to various industries helps us gain valuable insights into the latest safety innovations and strategies, and we can share those best practices, lessons learned, and emerging trends with our customers.
  • Cultural and language adaptation. Global operations also allow us to adapt our solutions to different cultural norms and languages. Safety practices and communication styles may vary across regions, and a localized approach is crucial for effective adoption and user engagement. By understanding local contexts, we can better address the needs and preferences of our diverse customer base.

Our pursuit of a worldwide reach and exposure to new ways to conduct business help us supply better guidance and service to our customers. The more we learn, the better risk management providers we become.

7. The Most Flexible Questionnaires and Appropriate Grading Systems

Flexible questionnaires and proper grading systems are essential to risk management products, providing hiring clients and contractors with the tools to assess and mitigate threats effectively. More specific advantages are as follows:

  • Adjustments for specific industry and risk profiles. Risk profiles and criteria differ between industries and organizations, making our flexible grading systems and questionnaires critical to meeting customers’ demands. This personalization guarantees that the assessment process reflects industry norms and regulations, making it more relevant and effective for users.
  • Better preparation for changing risks. Risks on job sites vary over time, with new dangers emerging and current ones changing. As such, we update and adjust our assessment criteria and queries, ensuring the risk management process remains relevant and allowing customers to identify and mitigate new and emerging threats successfully.
  • Accurate alignment with internal policies. Organizations often use internal risk management strategies and frameworks, and our approach allows us to integrate our solutions with these policies. Customers can tailor the evaluation criteria to risk tolerance, control structures, or compliance requirements. This alignment improves every customer’s ability to analyze threats according to internal standards.
  • Enhanced user-friendly experiences. Any risk management product is only as valuable as its serviceability, and we place a premium on supplying an easy-to-use experience for administrators and end users. Customers can quickly change the grading system and surveys to meet the demands of their business without requiring substantial technical knowledge. End-users can go through user-friendly surveys appropriate to their sector or environment. This ease of use promotes user acceptance and engagement with the safety solutions.
  • Continuous improvement and feedback. Maximizing this user-friendliness requires collecting customer feedback and revising our services accordingly. Our solutions are only as easy to use as our customers tell us, so collecting input on the grading system and questionnaire’s effectiveness, relevance, and usability is critical. This feedback helps us refine the risk assessment process, ensuring that our solution is still responsive to our customer’s evolving needs and expectations.

Questionnaires and grading systems designed on a case-by-case basis empower users to proactively find and address potential risks, make informed decisions, and safeguard their operations, assets, and reputation.

It is imperative that all hiring clients and contractors partner with providers who design frameworks around each customer, not the other way around.

Discover the Veriforce Difference

We’ve invested considerable resources in these areas–not simply to be different, but because we listen to our customers and know their needs. We’ve spoken with countless hiring clients and contractors who echo a common sentiment: most providers do not focus on the individual customer at implementation or prioritize long-term support.

At Veriforce, personalization is critical for any risk management software designed to protect workers. Tailored safety solutions, configured with the individual in mind, are the only way to maximize the positive impacts of any technology.

At the same time, we recognize that our job goes beyond software. Customers also deserve top-notch ongoing service–in the form of subject matter experts and dedicated technical support teams–that complement the technology provided.

And while other industry providers make the mistake of focusing solely on the software and ending the engagement before service, we understand that both are necessary to create the best possible solution for every customer.

Contact us today to learn more.


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